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Handbook on Social Security Schemes for Marginal Families Living in Urban Slums

Social security schemes_2

Client: Save the Children

Location: Maharashtra

Sectors: Social Security

Practice: Training Manual/ Design

Dates Of Service: 2019

Zivanta Services: Research, Content, Illustration, Design

Zivanta Contact: Anurag Bose

Status: Completed


Save the Children combines services that are intended to support both child development and parental economic security. While all families irrespective their position in the socio economic spectrum want to pursue their interests and aspirations – children and parents in poverty were much more limited in their ability to realise their hopes and ambitions, and have to use extra coping tactics to survive on limited incomes.


One of the means to alleviate the condition of the economically marginal families is to ensure that their entitlements under the social security net provided by the government are secured. The biggest bottleneck is the limited awareness of such families of the government schemes that would benefit them, Save the Children carries out an extensive program on making the poor families aware of the government scheme and proactively help traverse the last mile.


A user friendly guidebook was researched, written and suitably illustrated for use as a ready reckoner for the poor urban families listing the 22 most important government programs under financial inclusion, health, education and social security domains. The guidebook has been ratified by MCPCR.


Final Guidebook (password protected)