Client: EDUCO
Location: Mumbai, Pune, Thane
Sectors: Education
Practice: Monitoring & Evaluation
Dates Of Service: 2018
Zivanta Services: Project Evaluation
Zivanta Contact: Dr. Debarati Mukherjee
Status: Completed
In 2014, EDUCO in collaboration with STCI initiated a project(IN1502) focused on education- pre-primary and primary, through school and community based interventions in cities of Mumbai, Pune and Thane.
The project adopted the STCIs existing model of child friendly, activity based pedagogy for Balwadi (pre-school) and remedial classes (Patang Centres) for delayed students (unable to cope with grade level course load) in select schools owned privately (low cost) or public schools.
The evaluation of the project was done for five project components namely (i) Accelerated remedial learning centres, (ii) School readiness through pre school centres, (iii) Mainstreaming child protection and participation in project schools (iv) Science learning workshops, (v) Training of Balwadi Teachers. The tools used included, test for proficiency in numeracy, language (writing and reading), School Readiness instrument, Adaptive Behaviour Scale, Early Childhood Education Quality Assessment Scale (ECEQAS Plus), Science concept retention instrument, FGD with parents and discussion with teachers. The assessment was done across 28 remedial centres (Pune/Thane), 15 preschool centres (Mumbai).