Client: ACC Trust/BIMTECH
Location: Purulia District, West Bengal
Sectors: Comprehensive
Practice: Needs Assessment
Dates Of Service: 2018
Zivanta Services: Needs Assessment
Zivanta Contact: Sudipto Sengupta
Status: Completed
ACC Ltd as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, which enjoins evidence based intervention, has commissioned a study on ‘Situational Analysis and Needs Assessment’ of the project villages under the Damodhar Cement Works CSR, located in Purulia District, West Bengal.
The study was expected to bring out the unmet needs of the host community, some being specific to a village and some common across the villages. These unmet needs are the opportunities for the DCW CSR programme to make decisive inroads in making the life of the community better.
Information was collected from multiple sources on the issues and possible solutions facing the host community. The information was triangulated so as to bring validity, increase methodological reliability and certainty in the research findings. At each village the study team conducted Focus Group Discussions with group of men, women and youth, with each group having representation from different socio-economic strata.