Client: Save the Children
Location: Bengaluru
Sectors: Education
Practice: Monitoring and Evaluation
Dates Of Service: 2015
Zivanta Services: Baseline Assessment
Zivanta Contact: Sudipto Sengupta
Status: Completed
The bulwark of Project Target is Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), which is a major milestone for ensuring future learning of the child. The Project works for smooth transitions from ECCE to primary school so that the gains made in the former will be firmly sustained in the latter. For making the child ‘school ready’, Project Target works 26 Anganwadies across slum pockets in Bangaluru. Save the Children decided to partner with BOSCO, a Non-Governmental Organisation working with the ‘Young at Risk’
in the city of Bangalore since 1980 to implement the project.
The project focuses on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) across 26 Anganwadies located in slum pockets in Bangaluru for making slum children school ready. It also has interventions in 60 government-run primary schools to make them ‘student ready’. The project on the ground is being implemented by
Save the Children and BOSCO (implementation partner).
The Zivanta team did an in-depth study of the service statistics, interviewed key stakeholders, documented case studies, wrote and designed the report to distill how the project has made an impact for the constituency it is targeted to.