Client: Save the Children
Location: Nasik, Maharashtra
Sectors: Sanitation
Practice: Monitoring and Evaluation
Dates Of Service: 2019
Zivanta Services: Benchmarking Study and Evaluation of As-is Situation in NMC Schools
Zivanta Contact: Debarati Mukherjee
Status: Completed
In affirmation of its commitment to WASH in schools, Save the Children in partnership with GSK Pharma is implementing a water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) project in schools run by the Nashim Municipal Corporation.
The main objective of the project was to understand:
The service involved evaluating both the supply and demand side of WASH facilities in the NMC Schools. All 92 Schools covered for current status of infrastructure availability. Data collected through actual/visual observation of WASH facilities available in the school, discussions with school children, interaction with teachers and NMC.