An efficient and effective way for the transparent transfer of information
Zivanta Social have explicitly addressed social and technological research and documentation. It focuses on the impact of Information Technology (IT) on economic, social and human development. Information Technology is an efficient and effective way for the transparent transfer of information. It also helps in enhancing the operational efficiency of projects significantly and by adopting new approaches to solving social problems.
We at Zivanta Social believe that the social sector is an information processing industry.
The key considerations that we focus on are:
We at Zivanta Social align our business with the societal goals of our clients to help them in furthering their capabilities. Our goal is to design and develop services that significantly improve human capabilities.
We constantly endeavor to offer high-quality technological services –constantly adding new flavors to attract new clients and please the existing ones.
The ongoing technological revolution has numerous economic and social impacts on modern society and requires serious social science investigation in order to manage its risks and dangers. We believe that work in this domain would be valuable for both social policy and technology design.