
We continuously adapt,transform and improve outcomes through innovation.

Village Level Situation Analysis and Needs Assessment, Damodhar Cement Works

Client: ACC Trust/BIMTECH

Location: Purulia District, West Bengal

Sector: Comprehensive

Practice: Monitoring and Evaluation

Zivanta service: Needs Assessment

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Baseline and Strategic Intervention for Improving Elementary School Education under CSR at Damodhar Cement Plant

Client: ACC Ltd

Location: Purulia District, West Bengal

Sector: Education

Practice: Monitoring & Evaluation

Zivanta service: Baseline Assesment

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Baseline of WASH Project in 7 Municipal schools in Nashik

Client: Save the Children

Location: Maharashtra

Sector: WASH

Practice: Monitoring & Evaluation

Zivanta service: Baseline Assesment

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Evaluation of Quality of Education in Low Cost Private and Public Elementary Schools

Client: EDUCO

Location: Mumbai, Pune, Thane

Sector: Education

Practice: Monitoring & Evaluation

Zivanta service: Assessment and Evaluation

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