Client: Save the Children
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Sectors: Education
Practice: Monitoring and Evaluation
Dates Of Service: 2016
Zivanta Services: Baseline Assessment
Zivanta Contact: Sudipto Sengupta
Status: Completed
In recognition that our schools have poor learning outcomes and that ICT has the potential for bridging the gap, Save the Children with support from Avaya, proposes to introduce ICT based learning in 10 Zila Parishad Schools in Haveli block, Pune district
The objective of the project is to improve the learning outcomes of the students through the use of ICT as an intervention. Under the project, Save the Children will collaborate with DIET to develop the
E-curriculum for 4th, 5th & 6th grades in English, Environmental Science and General Science.
The ‘As-Is’ data has been collected for five broad variables which have significant ramification for successful implementation of ICT lead learning namely (i) Academic performance of the students, (ii) ICT Learning Environment, (iii) Learning Environment, (iv) School Functioning and (v)Community Institutions for School Management.
For collecting data on the other parameters the methodology involved interaction with three key stakeholders namely (i) teachers, (ii) students and (iiI) SMC members using structured questionnaires and checklists. In addition school and classroom, the observation was done by trained assessors to collect data on classroom dynamics, teaching methodology and infrastructure available and its use.
The report highlighted the performance of the children and also gave recommendations there of.