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Financial Literacy Guidebook for Children in Street Situations

Financial literacy_2

Client: Save the Children

Location: Maharashtra

Sectors: Education

Practice: Training Manual/ Design

Dates Of Service: 2019

Zivanta Services: Research, Content, Illustration, Design

Zivanta Contact: Anurag Bose

Status: Completed


Save the Children, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and Ministry of Women and Child
Development, Government of India have brought out the Standard Operating Procedures for Care, Protection and Rehabilitation of Children in Street Situations, aimed at streamlining the processes through which the entitlements may reach the Street Children effectively and efficiently within the prevailing legal and policy framework.


One of the key processes outlined in the SOP is the financial inclusion of Children in Street Situations. Given that majority of the children in street situations work, it becomes important that the children are taught the importance of savings, keep their money safe, have access to money during an emergency, and know how to grow their money within the formal banking and financial system.


Designed an illustrated guidebook for street children and trainers which outlines the key concepts and processes a street child should know so as to enable him/her to approach the formal banking and financial institutions. The concepts discussed include budgeting, proofs identity proof required to open a banking account, agencies and institutions who can help the child in opening an account, various kinds of bank accounts, interest calculation, how to withdraw money from a bank, insurance, pension and investment. The Zivanta team held consultation with street children educators, financial literacy experts and field staff at save the children. The approach was to explain the concept with illustrations, keep the content easy to understand, and ensure that content progresses from the basic to the complex in easy steps.


Final Guidebook (password protected)